Where and who is your schedule coming from?

If you use Microsoft Outlook or Google's Online calendar, be wary of who is scheduling you. A new form of annoying spammers can circumvent normal spam filters by sending you an item to add to your calendar. If canceled the appointment or event can still show up in your calendar, and most frustrating of all hitting decline means the spammer knows they have hit a valid email account and can hit you with more. What can you do if you are "scheduled" by an outsider? Turn off your "automatically accept meetings requests", be aware of who the email came from before accepting, and when declining a meeting from the unknown "Vader Spammer" make sure to choose the "don't send a response" button. And of course one of your options is just to delete.

-Chris Durnan
Vice President, Acacia I.T.
Serving Arizona Business's Computer needs since 1992.